internoise 2018

Abstract/Paper Submissions


We’re sorry, abstract submission is now closed.

Abstracts Are Available on the Mobile App!


We’re sorry, abstract submission is now closed.


Only the person who submitted the abstract will be able to log in and upload the presentation. Your presentation must be in PowerPoint format (PPT and PPTX) and is limited to 20MB.

Download presentation template (PPT)

Upload Your Presentation


Poster Guidelines


The Presentation schedule of the INTER-NOISE is divided into time slots of 20 minutes:

  • 15 min presentation
  • 3 min discussion
  • 2 min break (time for changing to another room)

The time limits will be strictly enforced. The Session Chair will stop presentations that go over the allotted time. Therefore, it is important that all presenters adhere to the strict time limit.

Technical Equipment

A laptop computer, projector and a laser pointer will be available in every technical session room. It is possible to play back audio recordings from the laptop.

Speaker Ready Room and Paper Upload Room

Please bring your presentation (PPT) on a USB flash drive to the Congress and make sure to transfer it to the laptop in the paper upload room at least day prior to your session.

Our technical staff will be ready to assist you as follows:

14:00 to 18:00
08:30 to 17:00
08:30 to 18:00

The laptop in the session room must be used. Please perform a virus check on your data storage device!